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FAB-922 (Vitrified Tile Adhesive)

(Vitrified Tile Adhesive) FAB 922 is polymer modified cement based tile adhesive specially designed for applicaiton of heavy duty


(Vitrified Tile Adhesive) FAB 933 is a high strength polymer modified adhesive. It make the stone resistant to stains,

FAB-977 (Super Platinum Adhesive)

(Super Platinum Adhesive) FAB 977 is specially designed for use with water to produce high strength that meets requirement

FAB-911 (Ceramic Tile Adhesive)

(Super Platinum Adhesive) FAB 911 is a cement based polymer modified quick set tile adhesive. It gives excellent bond

FAB-944 (Glass Mosaic Adhesive)

(Super Platinum Adhesive) FAB 944 is white cement based polymer modified tile adhesive specially designed for glass mosaic applications

FAB-901 (Unsanded Grout)

(Super Platinum Adhesive) FAB 901 is cement and polymer modified tile joint filler. It effectively fills the gaps and

FAB-901 (Hydrophobic Unsanded Grout)

(Hydrophobic Unsanded Grout) FAB 901 Hydrophobic Unsanded Polymer Grout is specially modified for water resistance. It is a superior

FAB-01 (Grout Admix)

 (Grout Admix) FAB 01 ADMIX is a polymer based liquid admixture specially designed for use in combination with FABREX

FAB-902 (Epoxy Grout)

(Epoxy Grout) FAB 902 Epoxy Grout it is a 2 component product the grout constituting of Strong Hardener, Resin

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